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Terms and Conditions.

          These are the terms of conditions and service that I apply in my commissions, remember to read them all, you must be informed about the service for which you are going to opt.


Artist Set Terms:

• The artist reserve the right to decline a proposal. 
• The artist has all the rights and copyright on the piece commissioned for purposes as a portfolio, social networks, etc.
• The artist will draw the commissions in his style
• The commissions will be published in all the artist's social networks, in case that the client prefers his commission be private, he must notify the artist.
• The artist has the duty to answer all the doubts that the client may have, based on the commission. 
• The artist has the right to cancel the commission for unforeseen circumstances, in this case, a full refund will be to the client.

• The artist will not work on illustrations that are within the danger zone, which is attached below:


Danger Zone
Hate art


Customer Set Terms:

• The client must pay the commission before the process of creating the piece. 
• The commission payment must be sent in dollars through the Paypal platform. Once the payment is received, the process of creating the piece begins.
• The client has the responsibility to give personal use to the commissioned piece. 
• The client has the duty to answer all the doubts that the artist may have based on the commission.  
• The client must be of legal age to be eligible for a commission. 
• The client must be clear and precise in what he requires. If possible providing references, sketch, or any means that helps me understand the idea.
• The client has the right to a refund, however, he must pay for 50% of the commission's work done.


Commission Process:


        The commissioning process from start to finish can last approximately 1-4 weeks, depending on the complexity of the piece and the number of orders that the artist may have at the same time. The client should not worry about the process, as the artist will let him know the approximate time that he will wait based on the above.


Planning Phase


          When the client contacts the artist he must tell him what he wants to translate into the commission, at this point both of them will discuss the general idea of the commission. At the moment of being in sync with the project, the client can make the respective commission payment and the "Creation Process" will begin.


Creation Phase


          In this process everything related to the creation of structures that make up the illustration is included, the most frequent being the sketch and the linear. First, the artist will send to the client a dirty sketch with a preliminary image awaiting his approval. Then the artist will send to the client a clean lineart awaiting his approval. Once these two images are confirmed the "Delicious Process" begins.


          It should be noted that all structural changes can be made to the sketch and all color changes can be made to the lineart. Once these are approved there will be no possible changes to the previously approved structures and colors. Any changes required after approvals will have an additional cost. 


Delicious Phase

        The client order is about to finish, it just needs to be refined. At this point, the artist's duty is to send to the client an image with the approved lineart with the base color awaiting his approval. Later the artist will send the image but this time with shading, waiting for client approval again. From here the artist will send the finished piece via email and ready for the client to enjoy it to the fullest.  

          After a period of 7 days from the shipment of the finished piece, the commissioned piece will be taken as completed. This will be in case of not receiving a reception response from the client about the commission.

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